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Section 3-217 Park Zone District
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3-217.A. Purpose. The purpose of the Park Zone District (P) is to establish areas throughout Town to be used by the public for active and passive recreation, including organized sports, games, fishing, walking and picnics.

3-217.B. Use Table. The uses permitted by right and the uses permitted on review in the Park Zone District are as follows.

Park Zone District Use Table

Uses Permitted By Right

Uses Permitted On Review

1. Recreation sites devoted to public recreation, including but not limited to facilities such as play grounds, play fields, campgrounds, swimming pools, golf courses, tennis courts, basketball courts and similar court installations, and skateboard ramps

1. Riding ring, track, stables, and similar facilities

2. Buildings and uses as approved in the Telluride Park Master Plan

2. Municipal utility building for park purposes

3. Art Facilities

3. Parking areas

4. Open Space

4. Vehicular bridges and roads, provided such facilities shall be closed to public traffic which traverses the Town Park to serve areas outside of the Park; pedestrian bridges

5. Caretaker’s dwelling

5. Necessary access for underground public utilities and easements

6. Fences, hedges or walls, as defined in Article 2, Division 1.

6. Fences for the protection of certain natural features. Fences shall be limited to a height of 36".

7. River Park Trail Corridor uses, which include but are not limited to walking, hiking, and skiing trails, bike paths, occasional benches and other passive uses

8. Flood control activities limited to rip rap and control measures using natural vegetation

9. One-Family Dwelling Unit, located on pre-existing private in-holdings or within existing structures

3-217.C. Dimensional Limitations. The following dimensional limitations apply to all uses permitted by right and uses permitted on review in the Park Zone District:

3-217.C.1. Minimum Lot Area. One family residences on private land, two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet; all other uses, no limitation.

3-217.C.2. Minimum Lot Width. No limitation.

3-217.C.3. Minimum Lot Frontage. No limitation.

3-217.C.4. Minimum Front Yard. All buildings, twenty feet (20').

3-217.C.5. Minimum Side Yard. All buildings, three feet (3').

3-217.C.6. Minimum Rear Yard. No limitation.

3-217.C.7. Minimum Floor Area. No limitation.

3-217.C.8. Maximum Floor Area.

a. Two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet per dwelling unit;

b. For all other public uses, as approved by H.A.R.C. in conformance with the Park Master Plan.

3-217.C.9. Maximum Building Height.

a. Principal buildings, twenty five feet (25');

b. Town Park Main Stage, located in accordance with the Telluride Town Park Master Plan, forty feet (40');

c. Upon review and approval of H.A.R.C., an architectural element, above the 40'limit, may be located on or adjacent to the Town Park Main Stage, provided that the element may not extend more than twenty percent (20%) beyond the highest point of the structure. No element shall exceed six hundred fifty (650) square feet of gross floor area or fifteen percent (15%) of the structure’s ground coverage, whichever is less.

(1) No such element shall be permitted if it substantially reduces or blocks an adjacent structure’s access to light or air.

(2) No building shall be allowed more than two (2) architectural elements.

(3) The burden of proof shall be on the applicant to establish how the excess in height will benefit the neighborhood and the Town.

(4) In determining whether to approve an architectural element, H.A.R.C. shall consider, but not be limited to, such site conditions as large lot size, placement of the structure on the lot, the relationship and proximity to adjacent neighboring structures, major street intersections and dead-end streets, and whether the element would create a positive focal point.

3-217.D. Accessory buildings, sixteen feet (16').

3-217.D.1. Minimum Roof Pitch. One unit of vertical rise to four units of horizontal run, (1:4), unless otherwise approved or required by H.A.R.C.

3-217.D.2. Maximum Site Coverage. No limitation.

3-217.E. Off Street Parking Requirements. The following number of off street parking spaces shall be provided for each use in the Park Zone District:

Parking Requirements in the Park Zone District

Use Category

Required Parking

All Residential Dwelling Units

1 space per dwelling unit

Assembly Areas

One space per 500 square feet of floor area

(Ord. 1427, 2015; Ord. 970, 1992; Ord. 924, 1991; Ord. 817, 1988)